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The Kids Are Home. Now What?

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by Rhoda Venture

Three weeks ago, most of us were probably gearing up for spring baseball, track season or the school play. We were spring shopping, going to band concerts and packing for the school trip. We may have even been wishing the spring schedule would slow just a little to let us catch our collective breath. Well, as the saying goes, be careful what you wish for…. The kids are home. Indefinitely. Now what?

Turn off the TV and take a break from the COVID-19 chatter (just for a bit). Here are 5 great ideas to ward off boredom and help maintain parents’ sanity.

Take A Virtual Field Trip

The class trip may be on hold, but you can still see some amazing things while practicing social distancing. Many attractions are offering virtual tours that you can jump on from home.

The Cincinnati Zoo is temporarily closed to visitors but has opened its virtual doors to the public with Home Safari Facebook Lives seven days a week. When you just need to see the world’s most famous hippo, the Cincinnati Zoo has you covered!

The Museum of the American Revolution has free virtual tours and classes for children of all ages while closed. There’s also special content available through its social media.

If you’re feeling closed in, take a virtual trip through Yellowstone National Park and experience waterfalls, geysers, forests, hot springs and more. You can practically feel the crisp, fresh air!

70 Things to Do with Kids Now That We’re All Stuck at Home

Learn a Tik Tok with Your Kids

My 13-year-old is in constant motion (often moving in ways I just don’t understand!) This is as good a time as any to jump into the craze and learn a Tik Tok dance with your kids. You’ll feel like Charli D’Amelio and they’ll have a blast laughing at your efforts!

Research Your Family Tree

Take advantage of family time and become a genealogy detective. Sites like Family Tree and MyHeritage offer free resources and trials to get kids started down the path of discovery. It’s a great way to help kids maintain research skills while learning their family’s unique history.

Bring Back “Bored” Games

My kids have been home for less than two full days and the words “I’m bored” have already been muttered. Granted, they know better than to say it to my face or they’ll find themselves with a chore list a mile long! I digress…

When online gaming isn’t cutting it anymore, break out an old-fashioned board game. We found ourselves laughing to the point of tears during a game of Pictionary. We also discovered our daughter is a bit of a cutthroat during a friendly game of Monopoly.

World domination is also on the table (literally my kitchen table) as my husband and son are playing Risk. It’s amazing how much fun you can have with these throwbacks!

The 50 Best Board Games of All Time


Finally, encourage kids to visit Grandma and Grandpa via Facetime. It’s important that older family members, neighbors, and friends know that they haven’t been left alone in these challenging times.

Facetiming or just calling on the phone is a great way for kids to stay connected and help bridge the isolation in which we all find ourselves. Check to be sure they are well, ask if they need supplies or simply catch up. It’s a kindness that benefits everyone!

We all must do our part to help flatten the curve. If we can find some joy in a challenging situation – even better! The kids are home. Let’s use this time to our advantage. When life does return to its usual chaos, we just might miss these days!

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