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About Kaleidoscope Adventures - Your Student Trip Planner

Kaleidoscope Adventures is your full-service student trip planner with more than 30+ years of planning inspiring travel experiences.

We make student safety a priority with a clearly communicated safety plan and trusted partners.

Groups We Serve

KA crafts meaningful travel experiences for any student traveler!

  • Marching bands
  • Orchestras
  • Choirs
  • Ensembles of all types
  • Theater groups
  • Dance teams
  • Class trip organizers
  • Senior trip organizers
  • International travelers
  • Service-learning groups
  • Language groups
  • DECA and FBLA
  • ANY student traveler!


Our Vision and Mission

We believe every student should experience the world from a new perspective through travel.  Kaleidoscope Adventures will always provide a fun, honest, and personalized adventure for a priceless learning opportunity.

Our goal is always to travel beyond expectations!

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Our History

In 1993, former educator (and flight attendant!) Robin Parker united her passions for travel and learning in a new venture.  Her hard work and belief that travel plays an essential part of a comprehensive education gave way to Kaleidoscope Adventures.

Thirty years later, KA has been the catalyst for more than 275,000 life-changing travel experiences for students!

In addition, KA created the Stellar Student scholarship program to help ensure that every student has the opportunity to travel.

KA has grown to a staff of 35+ experts and is a leader and driving force in the student travel industry.

Paying It Forward

The Kaleidoscope Adventures team strongly believes in giving back to the travel industry that has shown us support for more than 30 years.

Student Youth Foundation’s Global Citizens Challenge – Your Big Year

One of our more visible projects is a partnership with the Student Youth Foundation’s Global Citizens Challenge – Your Big Year.

This four-day online program is designed to “bridge cultural divides, increase engagement with the travel and tourism industry, and provide young people with a transformative, hands-on, and collaborative way to meet and work with their peers from around the world.”

Learn more at  Global Citizens Challenge — Your Big Year.  

Tourism Cares

Our team is also proud to play an active role in Tourism Cares, a non-profit organization dedicated to the long-term survival of the travel and tourism industry.

Tourism Cares believes in changing the world through travel by inspiring the travel industry to put people and places first. The organization advocates for creating mutual respect between people and commitment to our planet.

Learn more at Tourism Cares.

About Kaleidoscope Adventures - Your Student Trip Planner

Why Kaleidoscope?

Kaleidoscope Adventures is a full-service student trip planner with more than 30+ years of planning inspiring travel experiences.

We make student safety a priority with a clearly communicated safety plan and trusted partners.

We’ll work with you to plan an exceptional travel experience
and provide impeccable customer service from start to finish!

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Our People

Meet the expert KA team who work tirelessly to provide travel that is beyond expectations.

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Whether it’s your first trip or you’re a seasoned traveler, we’re sure you have some questions!  These are our most frequently asked questions…

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Ready to start your next adventure?